Traffic England is a free website available to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It displays the status of what’s happening on the motorways and major A-roads in England, also known as the strategic road network (SRN).
Traffic England reports on the roads managed by National Highways which includes most motorways and Major A roads in England. Here is a map of the roads we manage:
If your query is about one of the roads we do not manage please contact the relevant highway authority.
National Highways collects anonymous data about traffic flows and travel times on our road network. This is done using sensors on the roads and anonymised data from third parties to give us a holistic view of how our network is currently performing.
We also receive real-time updates from our traffic officers and emergency services who deal with incidents.
The data is then anonymised and published on Traffic England to help road users and businesses plan their journeys.
Traffic cameras may be unavailable on Traffic England for a variety of reasons, these include;
When this occurs, the Camera Unavailable/Fault message will appear in the pop up box instead of the image.
Check that pop-ups have been enabled in your Internet browser. This can usually be done by clicking the padlock at the top of the window.
The traffic camera images remain the property of National Highways. They are available to the public to allow accurate journey planning.
The Travel Alerts tab takes you to a list of the highest priority incidents and closures currently affecting our network.
The latest planned roadworks information for England's strategic road network is routinely made available through our Daily closure report.
Please visit this area of the National Highways website.
If you have a general enquiry or question about the Traffic England website, please call our Information Line on 0300 123 5000 or e-mail us at
If you wish to let us know what you think of the Traffic England service, please contact us via the "Feedback?" link or click on the green, orange and red 'smiley' feedback tab to leave any comments.