Highways England our latest traffic updates

General information for Subscribers

The National Traffic Information Service is operated on behalf of Highways England by a joint venture called Network Information Services (NIS) Ltd. The service is operated 24 hours per day, 365 days per year collecting traffic data and information from most motorways and trunk roads in England. Data is available free of charge if you agree to our Acceptable Use and Operational Policy.

Real-time Services

Subscribers must register and be approved in order to receive personalised traffic data in the form of Email Alerts or raw data in DATEX II format and should be capable of developing software to receive the raw data in DATEX II format. Software developers can find sample code in Java and ASP .Net and instructions to interface to NTIS services on the GitHub website at https://github.com/ntisservices. We can also provide a Toolkit that receives data in DATEX II format and allows queries to be returned in JSON format. This is available from the GitHub website at https://github.com/SaturnEclipseUK.

The Traffic England website allows subscribers to define geographic areas of interest in order to limit the data received and to tailor their requirements. Visit the Services Information page for more details.

Help and Assistance

NTIS can provide help and advice to anyone wishing to subscribe to the data services and would encourage everyone considering this approach to discuss their requirements with us before embarking on development. Individual subscriptions can also be created to tailor the data to the users' needs where required.

The NTIS Helpdesk is available to request assistance or to report service issues by email. The Subscriber Support email address is available from the Acceptable Use and Operational Policy or Services Overview document.

If you would like to become a subscriber, register for a Subscriber Account. Following approval, you will receive credentials so that you can sign in and configure your subscription and areas of interest. Once signed in, you can configure your subscription with the Services Request form.

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